Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Line by Line, E-Books Turn Poet-Friendly (New York Times)

I remember my first e-book anthology -- actually a book of essays including a lot of poems, Edward Hirsch's How to Read a Poem. Line breaks were so badly mangled and the text so riddled with errors I eventually ordered a hard copy. Kay Ryan's Selected, which I downloaded the hour I read she had won the Pulitzer Prize, fared better because her short, skinny poems could be easily formatted in unalterable PDF images. I don't generally order poetry in e-book format -- I like to thumb through poetry books and dip into them -- but this is interesting news.

1 comment:

Ralph Wessman said...

good article. I've tried my hand at creating them myself but have baulked because olf the line breaks ... needs close conferring with the book's author [not that this is a bad thing, far from it] but just takes time